Established in 1986, the East High School Alumni Foundation’s primary purpose is to raise funds for student scholarships, facilities and programs, ensuring EHS students have the same opportunities afforded to those at other schools across the country. If you select “Greatest Need” for your donation, our Alumni Foundation Committees will help determine how it should best be used to benefit deserving students. And, a portion of donated funds may be applied to administration of our Foundation overall, including stewardship of more than $5 million in endowments. Thank you for your support of EHS students and Alumni Foundation initiatives.
Discover your donation options HERE.
If you are donating to a specific scholarship fund, please indicate further down in the Comments section specific scholarship funds and/or whether your donation honors a specific individual. A designation is not required to make a donation. If none is designated, the donation will go towards Greatest Need. Thank you for your generosity.
If you are mailing your donation, please send to our new mailing address: Des Moines EHS Alumni Foundation, 1415 – 28th Street, Suite 400, West Des Moines, IA 50266.